Из альбома: Pain, Love & Poetry

I am begging for protection † I am praying but I find no quarter here
I'm not ready yet I'm confused and so unhappy
And I'm lonesome though you said I wouldn't my dear

Time for reflection † Take a gloomy view of life † Time for perfection
And you talk things to death but you speak without saying why
Pain † In my bond of love † Pain † Is what you're dreaming of † Pain † But you're never satisfied
All you want is pain † Beloved enemy † Pain † To a high degree † Pain † Is that all you give tonight
I am crying for good reasons † I am listening but I only hear a tirade
It's not over yet so it still demands an answer
I'll be burning because your fiend is here to stay
Time for reflection † Take a gloomy view of life † Time for perfection
And you talk things to death but you speak without saying why
Pain † In my bond of love † Pain † Is what you're dreaming of † Pain † But you're never satisfied
All you want is pain † Beloved enemy † Pain † To a high degree † Pain † Is that all you give tonight
All you want is † All you give is † All I feel is † Pain
