INANNA: Ninshubur, I think it's fine
This temple that great Anu calls Eanna
The food is great, and so's the wine
But something's missing, Ninshubur, I wonder -
Why things seem backward and simple
Can you tell me what's going on?

NINSHUBUR: My dear, you're used to towns possessing qualities
Which lend a higher station
With priests and kings, a thousand things
That make up what you call civilization

INANNA: You're telling me that there are rules
And directions required to make this happen?

NINSHUBUR: Go, Inanna, travel to the Abzu
And speak to your father-in-law

Ea's got the things you need
They are called the Tablets of Destiny

INANNA: Send a message to Ea
Let him know that I will arrive

EA: Oh, Isimud, this is excellent
I'd like to get that queen inside my tent
You know I've had my eye on her forever
What other reason would bring her here?

Let her in, treat her well
Bathe her in the waters of the Tigris
Give her beer from an urn of gold
And prepare my royal bed of cypress
Inanna and I will talk a while, and then we'll

ISIMUD: Oh, great Ea, may I be so bold?

I'm worried, for I hear Inanna
Doesn't always come with pure intentions
