Quando coeli movendi sunt et terra

Quando coeli movendi sunt et terra
Dum veneris judicare saeculum per ignem

My son, now listen what I say:
Keep in mind what you have learned
Wrap your fingers 'round your sword
Maybe you will not return
Thousands that we once have been
Only a few are still here
I've to give this sacrifice

oh, the autumn brought us fear!

My life, my blood, my tears, my pain
I'm the guardener of thee
Through an axestrike I have lost
The ability to see
Now my child, your time hath come
Mercy - not with those you'll harm
Wrap your fingers 'round your sword

(And the ones we love will fall

Like autumn leaves
On These Endless Fields)

as the horn sounds the alarm!
Und als der Sturm begann
Als Fleisch auf Eisen traf
Hell wie der Glocken Klang
Die Schreie derer, deren Gl
