Inspired Through Creative Alienation

"Humans have no pride, only price"

"There is only one way to save this world
By reducing it's human population to half"

"There is no middle state
Just predators and preys
And we love hunting"

"Evil is a suitable name for society to characterize
the really clever and powerful individuals"

"Do not exterminate the mob yet! Use them first"

"In darkness the fake beauty of colours is banished
Only plain truth and reality remains"

"War is a natural process It controls the population
Can you imagine world with 20 times more humans? I do no dare to!"

"It's time to use our gods names again
For the glory of Satan!
For the glory of us!
Up yours!!"

"Why do angels look so feminine?
Becose they need a fuck!
Let's give it to them"

"There is no good and evil
Just stupidity and intelligence"

"If blood is the essence of phisical life,
then the soul is the essence of immortal life"

"Warning: Enjoing is bad for your health
Department of Xtian righteousness Ministry of Virtue"
