Psychotropics and pre-mixed mojitos
I thought you liked to talk about me though
You pick the film but I get one veto

These are the ways that we show our love

Where we're going we don't need roads
Set menus or 2 for 1 codes
Hold my hand like you held his
These are the ways that we show our love

Stay high
You know tomorrow is a lie
And maybe so are you and I

In a world that doesn't add up we are equal
Bonding over hating people
One socket left I let you charge your phone
These are the ways that we show our love

And every parent’s divorced or divorcing
I'll stay awkward, you stay awesome
Discount museum tickets, your prescription meds
These are the ways that we show our love

Stay high
You know tomorrow is a lie
And maybe so are you and I

Stay high
These hours are seconds in our minds
Two bodies dead behind the eyes
