Oh Lord of light, of form and hue,
Who has created all things new,
Create in me, from shapeless clay,
An instrument on which you play

God of the dance that planets tread,
Who walks beside and soars ahead,
O let me move to worship Thee;
Come, Holy Spirit dance with me

God of the Living Word, Poet of Time,
Teach me Your words in Your cadence and rhyme
O Lord of beauty, Lord of art,
Who gives a song for every heart,
Carve out my life, reshape and mold;
And be the artist of my soul

Teach me Your words in Your cadence and rhyme
O Lord of beauty, Lord of art,
Who gives a song for every heart,
Carve out my life, reshape and mold;
And be the artist of my soul

Carve out my life, reshape and mold;
And be the artist of my soul
