Come home look around
Don't know which ways up or down
Stand up sit down stare at the wall
I want to change my life
But I don't know how!

Underware Drawer
Underware Drawer
I want to clean out my underware Drawer

Got some chiffon scarves
Some old shit I never wear
Sprinkle it with glitter
Show that old chest I care

Underware Drawer
Underware Drawer
I want to clean out my underware Drawer

I want to start a new life
I want to start a fresh
I'm tired of a small life
Iwant more

Underware Drawer
Underware Drawer
I want to clean out my underware Drawer

Got some torn panties
So many mismathed socks
Got some old stockings
Seen the school of hard knock

I got my things in order
So I can concentrate
I'll start with my undies
This will decide my fate
