My fereful loue from me ys fledd
whyche of long tyme hast ben my gyde
now faythefull trust ys in hys stedd
and byde me sett all fere asyde

O trewthe yt ys I not denye [5]
all louers may not lyue in case
yet sum by hap doth syt truly
so lyke may I yft that she please

Why so yt ys a gyffe ye wott
by nature one to loue another [10]
and bynd that love dothe fall by lott
then why not I as well as other

yt may so be the cawse ys why
she knowethe no part to my poore mynd
but yet as one [assuredly] [15]
I speke not lyng but as I fynd

yff nature wyll yt shall so be
no reason rulythe fantasy
yet in thyscase as semythe me
I take all thyng Indyfferently [20]

yet uncertaun I wyll reioyce
and thynke to haue tho yet thow hast
I [sent] my chawnce onto her choyce
with pacyence for power ys past

No no I knowe the lyke ys fayre [25]
withowt dysdayn or cruelltye
and so to end from all dyspayre
ontyll I fynd the contrarye
