Punk is a ghetto
Checklist punk
Soap up your hair
Nice & spiky
Mohican this week's trend
Dreads will be back next week
Bondage pants
Where do you shop
Don't support them, look it here
Patches galor
To what extent

At one
Better yet, not at all
Cannibal punx
PC backlash
Just want acceptance
My shirt
The system?
No, I'm punk
Beer not bombs
Working class?
Am I sexist?
No, I'm an anarchist

Boyfriend's jacket in hand
Did we get paid?
Are they on?
Dance real hard
Reaching the masses?
Kids at our show
Boycott backlash
Wardens keep ourselves in check
Don't stray from
Short term radical
Arrogant youth
In two months
Punk rot
Anarcho punk
Anarchy punk? dist impossible
Don't step out of line
Don't question punk ethics
Do as you think, do what is punk, do what is right
Don't be a businessman
Don't wear that suit

Do what you want
Escapist culture
Abrew the thrid
Meat means dinner
No future till college
Reactionary political tirades
Reactionary a-political
You've reached the masses
Punk ghetto all 200? 300?
Count the heads
Now tomorrow they're gone
What's your point
What are you doing
Do you exist for a reason?
Is that reason punk rock?

Punk is a ghetto
We're all guilty
We all check each other in check
We bind ourselves to a set of competitive accusations
Very much dIy in creation
So strict are these & so great our fear of accusation
We go as far as sacrificing our dreams of a better world
We've grown so punk rock critical we turn on everything
There is a world out there beyond punk
Our revolution isn't punk
Our revolution is much grander

Reality check! Punk isn't everything!
Punk is a ghetto
Revolutionaize the world not just your scene
