# Total: 40
1 Nokturnal Mortum - Біла вежа / White Tower
2 Nokturnal Mortum - Валькирия / Valkyrie
3 Nokturnal Mortum - Голос сталі / Voice Of Steel
4 Nokturnal Mortum - Небо сумних ночей / Sky Of Sad
5 Nokturnal Mortum - Україна / Ukraine
6 Nokturnal Mortum - Шляхом сонця / By Path Of The Sun
7 Nokturnal Mortum - ...В Огне Деpевянных цеpквей
8 Nokturnal Mortum - Bestial Summoning
9 Nokturnal Mortum - Black Raven
10 Nokturnal Mortum - Cheremosh
11 Nokturnal Mortum - Death damnation
12 Nokturnal Mortum - Family Vault
13 Nokturnal Mortum - Hailed Be The Heroes
14 Nokturnal Mortum - Hебесное Серебро Перуна
15 Nokturnal Mortum - Hехристь: Танец Мечей
16 Nokturnal Mortum - I Feel The Breath Of Ragnarok
17 Nokturnal Mortum - Jesus' blood
18 Nokturnal Mortum - Night before the fight
19 Nokturnal Mortum - On The Moonlight Path
20 Nokturnal Mortum - Swallow
21 Nokturnal Mortum - The 13th Asbath Celebration
22 Nokturnal Mortum - The call of aryan spirit
23 Nokturnal Mortum - The Forgotten Ages Of Victories
24 Nokturnal Mortum - The Funeral Wind Born In Oriana
25 Nokturnal Mortum - The funeral winds born in oriana
26 Nokturnal Mortum - The Hands Of Chaos
27 Nokturnal Mortum - The Knots Upon The Thread Of Fate
28 Nokturnal Mortum - The New Era Of Swords
29 Nokturnal Mortum - The Taste Of Victory
30 Nokturnal Mortum - To the Gates Of Blasphemous Fire
31 Nokturnal Mortum - Under The Banners Of The Horned Knjaz
32 Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung
33 Nokturnal Mortum - В огне деревянных церквей
34 Nokturnal Mortum - Дитя болот и полнолуния
35 Nokturnal Mortum - Небесное серебро перуна
36 Nokturnal Mortum - Небо сумних ночей
37 Nokturnal Mortum - Нехристь: танец мечей
38 Nokturnal Mortum - Под знаменами рогатого князя
39 Nokturnal Mortum - Україна
40 Nokturnal Mortum - Черный ворон