Announcer: Ladies and Gentalmen and Sardines
Here she is, Miss Ethel Mermaid

Ethel: I get no kick out of A
B C and D
Are just letters to me
And E makes me endlessly blue
But I get a kick out of U

I get no fun from an F
G H and I
Merely cause me to sigh
And J really makes me boo hoo
But I get a kick out of U

Are nothing once you've seen them
Though T and V
Don't appeal to me
I'm nuts for what's between them

W gives me no thrill
X Y and Z
Are not my cup of tea
They just tell me the alphabet through
But I get a kick out of U

(Ethel holds her "Belt C" while the fish sing)

Fish: K L M N O P Q R S
Are nothing once you've seen them

Shark: Though T and V
Don't appeal to her
She's nuts for what's between them

Ethel: W gives me no thrill
X Y and Z
Are not my cup of tea
They just tell me the alphabet through
But I get a Kick
A really big kick
I get a kick out of U
