You won’t have me to kick around anymore
I won’t come knocking at your door
I think you know just what this song is for
You won’t have me to kick around anymore
Your committees, groups and policies
The lines are blurred and you can’t see
Between the way things are
And the way they aught to be You left me out in the cold
Angry, drunk and all alone
But you can’t see No!
Self-righteous bunch you’ve grown to be Look for a reason to take me Down and rake me Across the coals
You call the shots you run the show
You think you’re fame will never go But you will see Oh You won’t help me I know you’ll see
It will never be Anymore
You hold the cards, the deck is stacked
But I won’t let that hold me back
Just deal out the hand
One Two Three
I don’t need to play your game
Fair is fair and you’re to blame
But you still don’t see No!
